Acne Vulgaris
A common skin ailment known as acne vulgaris is caused by bacteria, dead skin cells, and sebum (oil from the skin) clogging hair follicles. Both inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin imperfections, such as blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples, are brought on by clogged follicles.
For most people, acne vulgaris is the most frequent type. Hormone fluctuations, food, stress, and hereditary factors run in the family. It can happen at any age, but it is more common among teenagers.
The term "acne" describes a range of imperfections brought on by sebum and dead skin cells clogging pores. There are several types of Acne vulgaris
Whitehead: Also called a closed comedone, this is a non-inflammatory lesion. Whiteheads resemble tiny, elevated pimples that are either skin-colored or white. They appear when oils and skin cells clog a pore, staying beneath the skin's surface.
Blackheads: Known medically as an open comedone, this lesion is non-inflammatory.
Blackheads occur when a clog of oils and skin cells breaks free from a pore. The plug turns dark brown or black when it comes into contact with oxygen.
Pustules: Often referred to as pimples, occurs when microbes within an obstructed pore cause a bacterial infection presenting with pus and inflammation.
Papules: This is an inflammatory, pus-free lump that results from an obstruction. Papules frequently develop into pustules.
Nodular acne: Larger, hard, inflammatory, and painful to the touch lumps, or nodules, are a symptom of severe acne. Far below the skin's surface is a pus-filled pocket.
Non-nodular acne: where the pus expands closer to the skin's surface, resulting in a larger and softer nodule.
Male sex hormones known as androgens rise in the body throughout adolescence, causing oil-producing glands known as sebaceous glands to secrete copious amounts of sebum. Which is the most common cause of acne among teenagers.
Causes in women include: Menstrual cycles Being pregnant Drugs for the thyroid Birth control tablets Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Various other contributing factors of Acne are,
Consuming Carb rich foods
Usage of Harsh skin care products like alcohol-based toners
Astringents and other cosmetics
Improper skincare routine
Family history
Secondary infections due to Dandruff in the head
Usage of Corticosteroids, epileptic and tuberculosis drugs
You can be diagnosed as having Acne if you present with,
Whiteheads - clogged, blocked pores
Blackheads - clogged, open pores tiny, painful red pimples called papules
Pustules - often known as pimples are papules containing pus at the tips.
Nodules - large, firm, painful lumps under the skin.
Cystic lesions - painful, pus-filled tumors under the skin.
Acne can be classified based on the no of Blackhead / whBlackheadsite heads and the inflammatory papules present on the skin surface.
Mild Acne: Less than 20 blackheads, whiteheads, and less than 15 inflammatory papules
Moderate acne: if you have 15 to 50 inflammatory papules and pustules together with 20 to 100 whiteheads and/or blackheads.
Severe Acne: More than 100 whiteheads or blackheads, more than 50 inflammatory papules and pustules, and more than five acne nodules are considered severe cases of acne.
Ayurvedic View
Yuvana pidika can be closely correlated to acne vulgaris, other names are Padmini kantaka as they resemble thorn, and mukha dooshika because it takes away the beauty of the face. This pidika is caused due to food increasing kapha and pitta dosha,agni mandya (improper digestion capacity) also activities that increase vata dosha, the vitiated dosha further vitiate the rakta(blood), and mamsa (muscle tissue) leading to small elevated lesions, the pidika (pimple) which are small reddish black, pink eruption, initially nonitching, nonburning and not much painful, in due course of time it can cause pus. Ayurveda's way of approach is to bring the dosha back to a normal state, correcting the rakta dushti and reducing the blemishes and scar marks formed.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Vamanam Virechanam Kashya vasti Raktamokshana Lepanam
Naturopathy Treatments
Plantain Leaf Bath Steam bath Hip bath Enema Facial sauna
Acne Vulgaris
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.