Candidiasis is caused by Candida fungi. Normally, the body's immune system and natural microorganisms keep Candida under control. Yeast can proliferate and create symptoms if the native bacteria's composition is altered by antibiotics or if the body's moisture levels alter the pH or chemistry of the surrounding fluids can lead to an outbreak of Candida fungi.
Depending on the individual and their overall health, candidiasis can affect many different sections of the body and result in either localized infections or more serious illnesses. In healthy individuals, candida infections can cause symptoms. Yeast infections often only affect the skin, genitalia, or mouth. However, in addition to being more vulnerable to surface infections, patients who receive medications like corticosteroids or chemotherapy for cancer also have a higher risk of developing an excessively severe internal infection.
Local overgrowth on mucous membranes (oropharyngeal involvement, vaginitis) due to modifications in the normal microbiota characterizes the most benign illnesses. People with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or other conditions affecting cell-mediated immunity are more susceptible to more widespread, chronic mucous membrane infections. Meningitis, endocarditis, and pyelonephritis are examples of invasive localized infections that typically develop following hematogenous dissemination or in the presence of anatomical abnormalities or implants in the body.
Oral Thrush: Thrush is the colloquial term for a yeast infection of the mouth brought on by Candida albicans. It affects the tongue and palate, as well as the moist areas within the cheeks and around the lips. Oesophagitis: Candida infections in the mouth have the potential to move to the esophagus and cause esophagitis.
Cutaneous candidiasis: When skin is excessively moist and receives little ventilation, Candida can lead to skin diseases, including nappy rash the region surrounding the groin, the rim of skin at the base of the fingernail, are affected in the hands of persons who wear rubber gloves, the buttock crease, and the skin folds beneath breasts are a few prevalent locations.
Vaginitis: is often not sexually transferred, but is caused by yeast infections in the vagina. Almost every woman will experience vaginal Candida infections in their lifetime, Women who have diabetes or are pregnant may be more vulnerable to vaginal yeast infections. Yeast infections can be exacerbated by the use of birth control pills, medicines and Likewise, regular douching of the vaginal area can cause bacterial imbalance.
Deep candidiasis: called sepsis, is a serious infection caused by Candida fungi that enter the circulation and spread throughout the body. This is particularly common in very low birth weight babies and in those whose immune systems are compromised by disease or medicine Candida fungi may enter these individuals' bloodstreams through surgical incisions, tracheal tube sites, respiratory tubing, or cutaneous catheters. In addition, deep candidiasis can develop in healthy individuals if intravenous drug misuse, serious burns, or trauma-related lesions allow Candida fungi to enter the bloodstream.
Oral Thrush: White spots within the mouth that resemble curd, particularly on the tongue, palate, and lips, are a symptom of thrush. This white surface usually has a red, irritated spot that may bleed a little bit as you try to scrape it off. The skin near the corners of the mouth may be red, cracked, and wet in certain spots.
Oesophagitis: esophagitis may make swallowing difficult or painful, and it may cause chest pain behind the breastbone (sternum).
Cutaneous candidiasis: Red Skin patches, oozing, and wetness are the result of cutaneous candidiasis; little pustules may also appear adjacent.
Vaginitis - Vaginal yeast infections present with vaginal itching and/or soreness; a thick discharge that resembles cottage cheese or soft cheese; a searing sensation around the vaginal opening, particularly if urine comes into contact with the area; severe pain or discomfort during sexual activity.
Deep candidiasis: When Candida spreads to the bloodstream, it may cause a wide range of symptoms, from unexplained fever to shock and multiple organ failure.
Ayurvedic View
Kapha lasika dushti-due to sevana (intake) of virudha ahara (incompatible food), ajeerna (indigestion), there is the formation of aama (indigestion-toxin), along with dosha prakopana due diva swapana (day sleep), consuming curd, krimi (unhygienic), etc. the prakupita saama dosha takes sthana samshraya (settles in) mukha (mouth), twak (skin), yoni (female reproductive organ) and results in kandu (itching), foul discharge, irritation etc, this is candidiasis. Ayurveda's way of treatment is to bring dosha back to balance, reduce the symptoms, improve the immunity by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment, and guide towards healthier food and hygiene practices, cleansing the area by local treatment done to affected areas.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Vamanam Virechanam Matra vasti Kashya vasti Lepanam
Naturopathy Treatments
Hip bath Enema Immersion bath Acupuncture Hijama Therapy
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.