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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal tunnel syndrome may result from the structure of the wrist medical conditions and possibly from repetitive hand motions. It occurs when the median nerve—a nerve in the wrist—experiences elevated pressure. Women experience carpal tunnel syndrome at a higher rate than men do.


The carpal tunnel is formed by the natural arch of the wrist bones. The tunnel's roof is formed by a thick band called the transverse carpal ligament. This means that the tunnel's size cannot be changed because the ligament and bones act as solid walls. Nine tendons that flex the thumb fingers and the median nerve pass through the tunnel. Because of the median nerve, the thumb index middle and half of the ring finger's skin become sensitive to touch. Furthermore, the nerve transmits information to the tendinous muscles at the base of the thumb. This nerve senses the thumb index middle and half of the ring finger. The little finger is usually unaffected.


People who perform repetitive finger-use tasks or jobs are at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be caused by a variety of other factors including, Rheumatoid arthritis/Gout/Psoriasis Amyloidosis is a condition that occurs in gout infections. Arthritic spurs in the carpal bones Growths in the ganglions broken wrist or wrist dislocation Repetitive movements performed at home or at work Heredity: Smaller carpal tunnel syndromes may occur in families. Motherhood - Mothers are prone to develop CTS after delivery.


The following are a few possible signs of carpal tunnel syndrome: Tingling and numbness which is frequently worse at night Having to grasp the side of the bed or shake hands when you wake up at night Fuzziness or swelling in the fingers Dropping things Feeble pinch Discomfort in the fingers hands or wrists.

Ayurveda View

Khalli roga -vata dosha gets prakupita (aggravated) due to the following causes of vata kar ahara and vihara (food and activities ), this prakupita vata then enters kandara (tendon) of hasta (hand)  resulting in twisting pain, restricted movements, numbness in the finger, etc, called as carpal tunnel syndrome. Ayurveda way of approach is to bring dosha back to prakruta awastha (balance state) and rehabilitate the affected limb by panchakarma treatment. 


Ayurveda Treatments

Upanaha swedanam   Churna pinda swedanam   Patra pinda swedanam   Abhyangam   Agnikarma    Nasyam

Naturopathy Treatments

Acupuncture  Moxibustion  Manipulative Therapy  Hot Mud therapy  Physiotherapy  Electrotherapy Exercise therapy  Dorn therapy

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Treatment for 

DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.

Results of our Treatment

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