Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix (the lower end of the uterus). Vaginal discharge bleeding or pain during sex are common symptoms of the illness while some people may not have any at all. Individuals may experience either chronic (typically brought on by irritation) or acute (generally brought on by infection) cervicitis.
Who is affected by cervicitis?
Cervicitis is more common in those who engage in high-risk sexual conduct or have several partners. Cervicitis is also more common in those who have had a history of STIs or who have partners who have had STIs in the past. Cervicitis can also result from non-sexual activities. Tampons douches and diaphragm discomfort can also aggravate the disease.
What is the prevalence of this condition?
Cervicitis occurs frequently. Cervicitis is predicted to affect more than half of all adult women at some point. The study of disease: The exact prevalence of cervicitis is difficult to estimate due to the lack of a standard definition and varies by population. About 30–40% of patients seen in sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinics may be affected by sexual activity as it is the primary risk factor for infectious causes.
In general, the causes can be divided into infectious and non-infectious categories.
Some examples of infectious agents are Trichomonas vaginalis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Neisseria gonorrhea, and Chlamydia trachomatis; less frequently. However herpes simplex. Additionally connected to cervicitis is bacterial vaginosis.
Mechanisms and chemicals that irritate the body are examples of non-infectious causes. Merely pessaries, condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, or tampons are examples of foreign items or surgical equipment that might result in mechanical trauma.
Chemical irritants, which include latex spermicides, soaps, laundry products vaginal douches, and contraceptive creams, might trigger allergic reactions.
Cervicitis has also been linked to systemic inflammatory illnesses such as Behcet syndrome and lichen planus.
Cervicitis can be mimicked by the hypoestrogenic state associated with surgical or natural menopause.
However, in over half of the cases, the precise causes remain unknown. Clinically speaking, it is impossible to distinguish between inflammation brought on by infectious agents and that brought on by mechanical or chemical irritants.
Vaginal discharge that is purulent or mucopurulent bleeding during or after coitus dyspareunia stomach discomfort (from PID or endometritis) and urinary symptoms (from concurrent urethritis). In the event of a high-temperature soreness in the abdomen or adnexa and tenderness in the cervical motion, upper genital involvement should be suspected.
Ayurvedic View
Pittaja yoni vyapad- due to causes which aggravate pitta and vata dosha, that enters yoni (female reproductive organ), and causes symptoms of cervicitis. Ayurveda way of approach is to bring doshas back to prakruta awastha (balanced state) and treat the infection by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment and local treatment focussing on the female reproductive system.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Prakshalana (Yoni prakshalanam) Yoni dhoopanam Yoni Pichu Uttravasti Avagaha swedanam Lepanam Varthi
Naturopathy Treatments
Hip bath Immersion bath Enema Chromotherapy Manipulative therapy
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.