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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 


Cirrhosis is a progressive condition that results in severe scarring of liver. The disease gradually develops over many years and forms scar tissue that affects the blood flow to the liver , resulting in liver dysfunction.


The liver is a small, vital organ that is roughly the size of a football. It produces digestive enzymes, stores sugar and minerals, removes toxins from your blood, and aids in the prevention of infections. Every time your liver is injured due to infections, consumption of alcohol, etc. it tries to heal itself and creates strong scar tissue after each injury. 

Excessive accumulation of scar tissue impairs the organ's ability to function normally. Advanced cirrhosis can be life-threatening. In most cases, cirrhosis-related liver damage is irreversible. However, additional harm can be prevented if liver cirrhosis is identified early and the underlying cause is addressed. Rarely, it might be the opposite.


The following are the most prevalent causes of cirrhosis,

  •  Alcohol abuse Hepatitis and other viruses 

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease  

  • High blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol 

Some less typical cirrhosis causes could be,

  • Autoimmune diseases 

  • Clogged or damaged bile ducts 

  • Exposure to certain harmful chemicals 

  • Recurrent episodes of heart failure resulting in hepatic accumulation of blood 

  • Parasite infections 

  • Hereditary disorders


Early-stage cirrhosis often shows no symptoms. However, the accumulation of scar tissue impairs the liver's capacity to operate normally. One could observe,

  • Exhaustion and nausea 

  • Decrease in appetite 

  • Loss of muscle mass and weight 

  • The palms of the hands and the upper trunk develop patches of tiny, red blood vessels. 

As the illness worsens, 

  • You may have swelling in the abdomen and legs due to  accumulation of fluid 

  • Confusion  

  • Jaundice with  yellowing of  the eyes 

  • Urine that is dark colored 

  • Tarry feces 

  • Itching 

  • Internal hemorrhage 

  • Low desire for sex 

  • Over time 

  • Healthy liver tissue is replaced by fibrous scar tissue. Nodules that regenerate can also develop. These are nodules that develop when the liver attempts to mend.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Avagaham    Lepanam     Baspha swedanam    Kashya dhara   Taila dhara  Nabhi Basti   Niruha basti

Naturopathy Treatments

Diet Therapy    Hip bath   Immersion baths   Gastro hepatic Pack    Reflexology   Sun bath    Steam Bath   Mud Bath  Magnetotherpy

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