Depression is a mood illness characterised by persistent feelings of melancholy, emptiness, and lack of joy. It is not the same as the mood swings that people encounter on a daily basis.
Though everyone has been depressed at some point, not everyone has gone through depression. The likelihood is that you have no idea what it's like to deal with this complicated mental illness if you have never experienced depression.
Depression sneaks up on you. It impacts not just your emotional state but also your mental, emotional, and physical capacities. It numbs pleasure, cuts off communication, stifles innovation, and, in the worst-case scenario, kills hope. In addition, it frequently results in severe emotional suffering for the affected individual as well as for their close friends and family.
Every individual suffering from depression is distinct, and each person's circumstances are diverse as well. Typically, several things will work together to influence your mood. Even if the cause of sadness is frequently unknown, knowing the situation around it can occasionally help you figure out the best way to handle it.
Events in life that are linked to depression include
Prolonged joblessness being in a controlling or heartless relationship
Prolonged seclusion or loneliness
Ongoing stress at the job
Family background
Low self-esteem
Inclination to worry
Drug and alcohol usage are examples of personality qualities that can make you more susceptible to depression.
Major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly known as clinical depression, may be diagnosed if you have had at least five of the following symptoms for the majority of the day / almost every day / for at least two weeks.
Emptiness, or unworthiness
Minimal enthusiasm or interest in your profession, companions, loved ones, and other previously cherished activities
Significant fluctuations in appetite or weight that are unrelated to dieting feelings of exhaustion or listlessness without apparent cause.
Having trouble focusing or deciding.
Anxious restlessness that shows up as wringing your hands or pacing, or conversely, speaking or moving more slowly than usual.
Oversleeping or insomnia.
Recurring suicidal or fatal ideas
Ayurvedic View
Manoavasada- Here manas refers to mind, avasada refers to lack of well functioning. There is dullness over taking the affected person. Here, the aggravated dosha takes sthana in manovaha srotas (brain and mind activities) and causes mandata (dullness) of manas (mind). Ayurveda approach is to balance dosha by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment , treatment for mind , thus bring smile on people face.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Thalapodichil Shirodhara Abhyangam Pizhichil Virechana Anuvasana vasti Nasyam
Naturopathy Treatments
Spinal spray Arm &foot bath Reflexology Chromotherapy Magnetotherapy Acupuncture Manipulative therapy Clinical yoga Cyclic meditation Psychological counseling Mind sound resonance technique Pranayama
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.