Gastric Ulcer
Gastric ulcers are the name for stomach ulcers. Esophageal ulcers are those that occur in the esophagus, which is the food channel that connects the stomach and the throat. We refer to lesions in the duodenum as duodenal ulcers.
Peptic ulcer disease is the umbrella term for all of these ulcer types. Duodenal and gastric ulcers are the two most prevalent forms.
It is estimated that peptic ulcer disease affects 4 million people annually worldwide. An opening in the stomach lining that pierces the muscular layer (muscularis mucosae) of the intestinal wall and measures more than 5 mm in diameter is known as a peptic ulcer. They are most frequently found on the proximal stomach's lesser curvature or the first part of the duodenum. Changes in the stomach's defense mechanisms can lead to modifications in the gastric mucosa, which can ultimately cause erosion and ulceration.
Ulcers are caused by an imbalance in the digestive fluids generated by the stomach and a number of factors that safeguard the stomach lining. Gastric ulcers are caused by various factors such as
Helicobacter pylori infection, is a helix-shaped gram-negative bacteria in the stomach.
NSAIDs like aspirin and Ibuprofen increase mucosa irritation while
Crohn's disease can also contribute to the condition.
A dull or burning pain in the stomach is the most common symptom of a peptic ulcer. You could feel the pain anywhere from your breastbone to your belly button. Pain due to a peptic or stomach ulcer usually occurs when your stomach is empty, such as between meals or at night.Can momentarily cease if you consume food or take antacids. It could last for minutes to hours, or it could last for days, weeks, or months. Other less common symptoms and signs of a peptic ulcer include:
Burning sensation in the stomach
Burping and bloating
Feeling extremely nauseous
Appetite problems
Weight reduction
Sensitivity to certain meals
Putrid-smelling stools
Worsening of the ulcer may cause symptoms of vomiting nausea and even in blood in vomitus.
Ayurvedic View
The acid peptic disorder is termed 'Amlapitta' meaning 'sour acid' caused due to ajirana (indigestion) agnimandya (low digestive fire), changes in the monsoon, foods that aggravate pitta dosha. Pitta can be compared to the acid in the stomach called pachaka pitta. Due to the above-mentioned factors, the pitta attains intensive unusual sourness termed as 'vitiation of pitta'. The vitiated pitta causes, a burning sensation in the stomach and regurgitates into the esophagus, leading to a chain of acid-peptic disorders like GERD, gastric ulcers (ulcer formed in stomach mucosa), bleeding, perforation, etc. The ayurvedic protocol aims to correct the digestive fire, bringing pitta back to its normal quality and place and reducing complications. Thereby we help the patient in managing the pitta vikara through shamana drugs which brings a balanced agni.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Virechanam Kashya vasti Matra vasti Snehanam Lepanam Nabhi Basti Takra dhara Abhyangam Ksheera Dhara
Naturopathy Treatments
Hip bath Enema Mud therapy Abdomen packs Chromotherapy Acupuncture Diet therapy Yoga therapy Cyclic meditation Pranayama.
Gastric Ulcer
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.