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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 

Generalized Anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) occurs when you worry excessively and have difficulty managing it. With Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), you anticipate catastrophe and are constantly worried about your family, job, health, education, and other matters.


It's normal to occasionally feel anxious in life. On the other hand, strong, overwhelming, and persistent worry and panic regarding commonplace events are often experienced by those with anxiety disorders. Panic attacks, which are abrupt, strong feelings of fear or terror that peak in a matter of minutes, are a common feature of anxiety disorders. 

These uncontrollably intense, out-of-proportion-to-the-real-danger emotions cause disruptions to everyday activities and can last for extended periods. To halt these types of emotions, you could steer clear of certain areas or circumstances. The onset of symptoms can occur in childhood or adolescence and persist throughout maturity.


When you are unable to effectively manage your internal stress, GAD may result. Though it's unclear, why some people understand it and others do not. Researchers have found evidence of disruption in the brain regions responsible for fear and anxiety. 

  • Stress 

  • An illness like diabetes or additional co-occurring conditions like depression.

  • Genetic  predisposition 

  • Child abuse 

  • Drug abuse disorders 

  • Hyperthyroidism 

  • Family 

  • Work and other environmental stressors

Are considered as some of he causes that trigger Anxiety.


Three or more of the following symptoms have been present for at least six months along with the anxiety: 

  • Feeling tense

  • Agitated 

  • Being easily worn out 

  • Having trouble focusing 

  • Feeling disoriented 

  • Tension in the muscles 

  • Disruption of sleep 

  • Intolerance 

  • Sweating 

  • Trembling 

  • Significant distress or impairment in social and vocational domains is caused by anxiety. 

  • There is no physiologic reason for the worry.

Ayurvedic View

Bhaya- Its a component of fear in an individual, due to various causes. Due to aggaravtion of vata dosha in mano vaha srotas, the patient looses calmness of mind , resulting in various unwanted thoughts and activites, this is anxiety. Ayurveda line of treatment is to calm this agitated mind by purification method  so as to bring dosha back to balance and guide towards building of healthy mindset by yoga and building self confidence in the patient. 

Ayurvedic Treatments

Thalapodichil   Shirodhara   Abhyangam   Pizhichil   Virechana   Anuvasana vasti   Nasyam

Naturopathy Treatments

Spinal Spray   Arm &foot bath   Reflexology   Chromotherapy   Magnetotherapy   Acupuncture Manipulative therapy   Clinical yoga   Cyclic meditation   Psychological counselling   Mind sound resonance technique   Pranayama

Generalized Anxiety

Treatment for 

DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.

Results of our Treatment

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