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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 

Lumbar Spondylosis

Spondylosis is a broad term that refers to any type of spine degeneration. Spondylosis is most commonly used to describe osteoarthritis of the spine, but it is also used to describe any type of spinal degeneration.
Spondylosis, like many other terms for spinal problems, is more of a descriptive term than a clinical diagnosis. It translates to "I have both pain and spine degeneration," regardless of what causes the pain or where the degeneration is occurring.


Ankylosing spondylitis is an arthritis that can cause chronic back pain. The lower spine is the most commonly affected. When it affects your lower back, it's known as lumbar spondylitis / Lumbar spondylosis. A term that describes the degeneration of the cartilage and bones in the lower back (lumbar vertebrae), which is most commonly associated with osteoarthritis spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis 

Spondylosis is a broad term that refers to any type of spine degeneration that occurs naturally as people age. Lumbar spondylitis can cause a restriction in your back's range of motion. Other joints such as your ribs' shoulders or hips may also be affected. Symptoms usually appear in early adulthood, but they can appear in teens or children as well. Adults aged 60 and up are more likely to develop lumbar spondylosis due to abnormal wear and tear on the spine that hasten the degenerative process.


The discs in the spine begin to degrade, lose fluid, and stiffen over time. Again, this is a normal part of the aging process. Unfortunately, some of these changes can result in back pain and stiffness. These include,

  • Bone spurs which exert force on the lower back and cause back pain 

  • Ligament stiffening which impairs mobility and causes back pain

  • Herniated or bulging discs put pressure on nerves and the spinal cord

  • Dehydrated discs cause bone-on-bone contact and contribute to back pain.

Other lumbar spondylitis risk factors include,

  • Family history 

  • Age with the majority of people developing symptoms before the age of 45

  • People suffering from Crohn's disease


Lumbar spondylosis, like most spinal problems, causes back pain and stiffness. It may also result in,

  • Spasms in your lower back muscles When you sit or stand up

  • You may experience grinding or popping sensations. 

  • Numbness in the lower back legs and toes 

  • Backache in the buttocks Sciatica is a type of leg pain. 

  • In rare cases, lumbar spondylosis causes bladder or bowel control problems. 

If you experience any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

Ayurvedic View

Kati shoola - The condition in which kati means spine of lumbo sacral region and shoola means pain is present is lumbar spondylosis. Aggravated vata dosha takes sthana (settles) in kati pradesha (lumbar spine) does dushti (vitiation) of asthi vaha srotas (bone and nearby bone supporting structures), which results in pain, restricted movement and difficulty with function of lumbar spine movements. Ayurveda way of approach is to bring dosha back to prakruta awastha (balance state, reduce the symptoms, nourish the dhatus (affected bones and supporting structures of lumbar), rehabilitate the affected part by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment.

Ayurvedic  Treatments

Churnapindaswedanam   Abhyangam  Baspa swedanam  Lepanam   Kati vasti   Virechanam   Matra vasti Kashayavasti   Prishta Vasti  Nadi swedanam   Navara pinda swedanam   Pinda swedam  Pizzhichal   Pichu

Naturopathy Treatments

Spinal bath   Spinal spray   Enema   Manipulative therapy   Steam bath   Reflexology   Acupuncture  Hijama therapy   Moxibustion   Diet therapy   Clinical yoga   Physiotherapy   Electrotherapy   Exercise therapy   Chiropractice   Dorn therapy

Lumbar Spondylosis

Treatment for 

DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.

Results of our Treatment

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