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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 


Migraine is a medical problem. The majority of migraine sufferers sometimes experience very severe headaches. An intense throbbing pain on one or sometimes both sides of the head is the typical symptom of a migraine headache. Although any part of the head may be affected, the majority of migraine sufferers experience their pain in the temples behind one eye or in one ear.


Migraines are a type of vascular headache. Vasodilatation and enlargement of blood vessels that result in the release of chemicals from nerve fibers surrounding the major arteries in the brain are the causes of migraine headaches. It is a crippling illness marked by nausea and headaches that range from moderate to severe. A normal migraine is a pulsating headache. Although they can strike at any time of day, migraines usually begin in the morning. 

The pain may subside after a few hours or for a day or two. A migraine may occur once or twice a week for certain people. For some, it's just once or twice annually. The majority of the time, migraines pose no threat to your general well-being. However, attacks can cause disruptions to your daily routine. Migraine not only hurts, but it can also make you sick, throw up, and become sensitive to light and sound. Some people may also experience a brief loss of vision spots or flashing lights.


It is believed that migraines are induced due to changes in some of your brain's chemicals. Many people have noticed that certain triggers cause migraines. Triggers can include the following: 

  • Some foods and food additives include MSG (monosodium glutamate) nitrates and nitrites (found in hot dogs and other processed meats) artificial sweeteners (like NutraSweet) aged cheeses and chocolate. Food triggers vary from person to person. 

  • Sleep disorders (inconsistent sleep patterns excessive or insufficient sleep) 

  • Hormone changes in women are most commonly caused by birth control pills, having your period being pregnant, or being in menopause.

  • Dehydration is caused by insufficient water intake anxiety, stress, or other emotional issues. 

  • Certain stimulants like perfumes, particular lights, or temperature changes can cause some people to experience migraines when their stress levels fluctuate, such as when they begin vacation or wrap up a demanding project at work.


  • A day or more in advance, you might feel ill. Auras are felt by certain people. Up to one hour before a migraine attack, this is a disruption of vision speech, or feeling. 

  • You may notice zigzag lines blind spots, or flashing lights. 

  • Some people have trouble speaking or experiencing ringing in their ears. The aura fades on its own. 

  • A migraine typically begins with a sharp throbbing pain that is limited to one side of the head. As you move, it gets worse.

  •  Both bright lights and loud noises could cause pain. 

  • You could throw up or feel sick. This may continue for four hours or three days. 

  • A migraine can cause so much pain that it makes it impossible to carry out daily tasks. 

  • Following the headache, you may experience extreme fatigue nausea, or an abundance of energy. After vomiting or getting some rest, you might feel better.

Ayurveda Treatments

Shiroabhyanga   Snehapana   Swedha   ShiroVasti   Virechana   Nasya   Vasti   Dhoomapana   Lepa Sekha   Agnikarma   Shirodhara   Abhyangam    Thalapodichil

Naturopathy Treatments

Enema   Foot bath   Hip bath   Spinal spray   Mud therapy   Abdomen & eye pack   Reflexology Acupuncture   Manipulative therapy   Diet therapy   Clinical yoga   Pranayama   Kriyas.

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