Muscle Strain/Spasm
A muscle strain occurs when you overstretch or tear a muscle or a tendon, which is the strong, flexible tissue that connects your muscles to your bones.
Muscle strains are injuries to muscles or tendons, the fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Minor injuries may only cause a muscle or tendon to overstretch, whereas more severe injuries may cause partial or complete tears in these tissues. Strains, also known as pulled muscles, are common in the lower back and the muscles at the back of the thigh (hamstrings).
A strain differs from a sprain in that a strain involves an injury to a muscle or the band of tissue that connects a muscle to a bone whereas a sprain involves an injury to the bands of tissue that connect two bones together. Rest ice compression and elevation are used as initial treatments. Mild strains can be treated successfully at home. Severe strains may require immediate medical attention
Acute strains can be caused by a single event such as lifting something heavy with poor body mechanics whereas Chronic muscle strains can occur as a result of repetitive injuries which occur when a muscle is stressed by performing the same motion repeatedly. Muscle strains occur when the muscle fibers are torn. Muscle strains can be caused by a variety of factors, including
Overuse occurs when the same motion is done repeatedly
Exercising without stretching or warming up
Lack of flexibility in your muscles (and the fibers within them)
When you tear or strain a muscle, it can cause small blood vessels to rupture, resulting in local bleeding or bruising. It can also cause pain by irritating nerve endings in the muscles. Muscle strain symptoms include:
Bruising swelling or redness
Pain when the muscle is at rest
Pain when the muscle or related joint is used
Muscular or tendon weakness
Inability to use the muscle at all
Spasms of the muscles
You are unable to put weight on the injury or use it normally because you are suffering from muscle spasms or cramping in which your muscles painfully tighten on their own.
Ayurvedic View
Mamsa medo gata vata- due to following nidana (causes) like ati vyayama (over exersion), rata prayoga (excess traveling), ratri jagarana (night awakening), ruksha (dry, less nutritious food) etc, all leads to vata dosha prakopa (aggravation), which settles in mamsa dhatu (muscle tissues), causing sudden contraction leading to pain, stiffness, this happens when muscle is strained or when there is spasm. Ayurveda way of approach is to bring dosha back to prakruta awastha (balance state), nourish the body , reduce the symptoms by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Churna pinda swedam Kashaya dhara Pizzichil Virechanam Vasti Nasyam Shirodhara Navara pinda swedanam Pinda swedam Bashpa swedam
Naturopathy Treatments
Enema Acupuncture Spinalbath Spinal spray Mud therapy Clinical yoga Pranayama Cyclic meditation Manipulative Therapy Physiotherapy Electrotherapy Exercise therapy Dorn therapy
Muscle Strain/Spasm
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.