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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 


Degenerative joint disease; OA; Arthritis - osteoarthritis; Hypertrophic osteoarthritis; Osteoarthrosis is the most prevalent joint disorder It is caused by aging and wear and tear on the joint. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite the fact that osteoarthritis can affect any joint, the hands knees hips, and spine are the most commonly affected.


The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, a long-term condition in which the joints become inflamed and damaged. Also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis develops when the cartilage layer that protects the ends of your bones wears away with age, resulting in the formation of new bone spike-like structures. 

Without cartilage, the bones in the joint rub against each other, causing pain swelling stiffness, and decreased mobility. This can make walking climbing stairs and other daily activities more difficult. It can deteriorate over time. Asymmetric osteoarthritis is more likely among patients. A patient may have nearly normal function in the other leg despite having severe debilitating osteoarthritis in one knee.


Many factors play a role in the development of osteoarthritis, like the genetic factors that run in family stressors, like long-term impact on the joint, in joggers. The most common risk factors that have been associated with osteoarthritis include: 

  • Overuse of a joint after it has not had enough time to heal after an injury operation or other conditions.

  • Secondary arthritis - osteoarthritis can occur in joints severely damaged by a previous or existing condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout.

  • Being a woman - Women are more likely than men to suffer from osteoarthritis. 

  • Age - Your risk of developing the condition increases as you get older. 

  • Family history - osteoarthritis may run in families. 

  • Obesity- puts extra strain on your joints, especially those that bear the majority of your weight, such as your knees and hips.


Symptoms of osteoarthritis typically appear in stages and get worse over time. Some of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis are as follows: 

  • Pain: The impacted joints may experience pain before during or after movement. 

  • Joint Stiffness: Upon waking up or following a period of inactivity, joint stiffness may be more noticeable.          

  • Tenderness: Your joint may become tender when you put light pressure on it or in close proximity to it.  

  • Reduced Flexibility: You might not be able to fully move your joint through its range of motion.        

  • Bone spurs: These extra pieces of bone may form around the injured joint and have a firm lumpy texture.                      

  • Swelling: This could be caused by inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the joint.

Ayurvedic View

Sandhi gata vata- Here sandhi means joint where two or more bones (asthi meet). In this disease prakupita (aggravated) vata dosha due to following of vata vruddhi kar ahara and vihara (food and activities), takes sthana samshraya (settles in sandhi), causing shoola (pain), shotha (swelling) etc, of particular affected area. On sparsha, touching (palpating) feels as vata purana druthi sparsha means the swelling feels as if filled with air. Due to this, there is painful and restricted movement of using that joint. Ayurveda way of approach is to correct and bring back doshas to its prakruta awastha (balance state) which brings reduction of symptoms by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment, ocal treatment done respectively and rehabitate the affected joint.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Churnapindaswedam   Pinda swedanam   Patra pinda swedanam   Lepanam   Vasti  Pichu   Upanaham      Agnikarma   Abhyangam

Naturopathy Treatments

Compress  Hipbath   Spinal Bath   Plantain Leaf bath   Sun bath   Acupuncture   Physiotherapy   Hijama Manipulative therapy   Chromotherapy  Packs  Clinical Yoga   Exercise therapy


Treatment for 

DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.

Results of our Treatment

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