Osteoarthritis- Hip
The hip joint can be affected by a variety of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of hip arthritis which some refer to as "degenerative joint disease."
Hip osteoarthritis is a serious medical condition. Of the more than 100 types of arthritis, osteoarthritis is the most prevalent, and the hip joint is the second most commonly affected large joint in the body. There are various stages of osteoarthritis of the hip.
Stage 1: refers to minor wear and tear on the hip joint. A person may feel little or no pain.
Stage 2: A person may experience discomfort as well as pain in their hip.
Stage 3: This is the stage at which cartilage starts breaking down, causing additional discomfort soreness, and inflammation. Larger spurs of bone may also form.
Stage 4: This is the severe stage. Chronic pain, as well as inflammation, are probable in people in this stage of osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis develops when the cartilage on the surface of the joint (also known as articular or hyaline cartilage) wears down and exposes the bare bone underneath. In a joint cartilage typically acts as a "pad" or bearing. The cartilage bearing is smoother than a hockey puck on ice in normal circumstances. When the bearing wears down, the result is a roughened joint surface, which causes the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis.
The disorder known as hip arthritis is brought on by the degeneration of cartilage in the hip joint which exposes the bones to greater risk of harm. Pain around the hip joint can result from bone-on-bone rubbing. Other causes that relate to hip arthritis include
• Injuries caused by trauma.
• Damage to cartilage and other hip joint structures (due to an accident or sports injury)
• Genetics- Osteoarthritis appears to be hereditary.
• Extra pounds. The strain of carrying extra weight on joints worsens wear and tear.
The typical symptoms of any type of arthritis apply to hip osteoarthritis
• Tightness in the hip region, including the thighs and groin
• Hip and groin pain
• Difficulties moving the hip in various directions
• Having difficulty walking
Ayurvedic View
Sandhi gata vata- Here sandhi means joint where two or more bones (asthi meet). In this disease prakupita (aggravated) vata dosha due to following of vata vruddhi kar ahara and vihara (food and activities), takes sthana samshraya (settles in sandhi) in kati,vankshana (hip), causing shoola (pain), shotha (swelling) etc, of particular affected area of kati or vankshana. Due to this there is painful and restricted movement of using that joint. Ayurveda way of approach is to correct and bring back doshas to its prakruta awastha (balance state which brings reduction of symptoms by ayurvedic treatment and rehabitate the affected joint.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Pichu Kati vasti Vasti Pizzhichal Churna pinda swedanam Patra pinda swedanam Pizzhichal Pinda swedanam Lepanam Abhyangam
Naturopathy Treatments
Hip bath Spinal Bath Mud bath Physiotherapy Manipulative therapy Pranayama Chiropractice Electrotherapy Packs Clinical yoga Reflexology
Osteoarthritis- Hip
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.