Osteoarthritis- Knee
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative joint disease that can cause pain stiffness and limited movement. Osteoarthritis, also known as OA of the knee, occurs when the joint structure is damaged.
People over the age of 45 are more vulnerable, but younger people can also be affected. This condition often affects women more than men.
Your knee is an intricate weight-bearing joint. It is made up of three major components: the lower portion of your thigh bone (femur), the upper part of your shin bone (tibia), and the cap of the knee (patella). Each of these three bones has an adhering layer (cartilage) at the end that allows the knee joint to glide smoothly. The meniscus is a thickened pad of cartilage located between your thigh bone and your shin bone. This acts as a shock absorber cushioning the two bones and keeping the joint stable. The knee joint is encased in a tough capsule that is filled with synovial fluid. This fluid keeps the cartilage and other joint components lubricated and nourished.
Osteoarthritis manifests when the cartilage in the knees wears down and breaks down, rubbing the bones against one another. This can result in knee pain stiffness swelling and loss of movement. A growth known as an osteophyte or bone spur can form in the bones, and the joint itself may change shape over time.
Several factors are likely to play a role in the onset of OA knee:
• Previous knee injury
• Excessive wear and tear on knee joints from high-impact activities
• Ageing
• Obesity
• Stiffness of lower limb muscles
• Weakness of lower limb muscles
Knee osteoarthritis symptoms usually appear gradually and can include any of the following:
• Stiffness of the knee joint - typically in the morning or following rest and which subsides in less than 30 minutes or with walking.
• Pain in the knee joint - often worse after vigorous activity, and at the end of the day, pain may radiate up to the thighs and legs.
• Weakness of thigh muscles
• Calf grinding or creaking sound when moving the knee
• During activity, the knee may get locked or give a feeling of imbalance
Ayurvedic View
Sandhi gata vata- Here sandhi means joint where two or more bones (asthi meet). In this disease prakupita (aggravated) vata dosha due to following of vata vruddhi kar ahara and vihara (food and activities), takes sthana samshraya (settles in sandhi) in janu (knee), causing shoola (pain), shotha (swelling) of particular affected knee. On sparsha, touching (palpating) feels as vata purana druthi sparsha means the swelling feels as if filled with air. Due to this there is painful, restricted movement of using that joint. Ayurveda way of approach is to correct and bring back doshas to its prakruta awastha (balance state) which brings reduction of symptoms by ayurvedic treatment and rehabitate the affected joint.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Pichu Janu vasti Vasti Pizzhichal Churna pinda swedanam Patra pinda swedanam Pinda swedanam Lepanam Abhyangam
Naturopathy Treatments
Hip bath Spinal Bath Mud bath Physiotherapy Manipulative therapy Pranayama Chiropractice Electrotherapy Packs Exercise therapy
Osteoarthritis- Knee
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.