Psoriasis primarily affects the skin, causing skin cells to accumulate quicker than normal. It results in the development of scaly, unpleasant, and itchy spots on your skin. In persons with light or pale skin tones, psoriasis typically appears pink or crimson, with silvery-white scales. It can have salmon-colored scaling and silvery-white undertones on a medium-toned complexion. Psoriasis can appear violet, brown, or reddish brown on darker skin tones.
Normally, skin cells develop deeply within the skin and come to the surface once a month or so. When you have psoriasis, the process usually happens in seven to fourteen days. This causes dead skin cells to accumulate on the skin's surface, generating scales. Psoriasis is a skin condition that typically affects the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. It produces a rash with itchy, scaly spots.
Psoriasis is a prevalent, persistent illness that lasts for a long time. In addition to being uncomfortable, it can disrupt sleep and make it difficult to focus. Cycles of flare-ups lasting a few weeks or months followed by periods of subsidence are characteristic of the syndrome.
Psoriasis is widespread. Although it can affect anyone, it usually starts in people as they age, specifically between the ages of 10 and 35.
Psoriasis cannot be transmitted. It is not passed on to other people.
It appears inherited in families.
The following things might trigger psoriasis,
Upper respiratory infections
Dry skin or dry air Stress.
Skin injury, such as a cut bad sunburn, or bug bites
Upper respiratory infections
Dry skin or dry air
Some medications, such as beta-blockers, lithium, Corticosteroids, and antimalarial drugs
Cold, dry weather
Alcohol (heavy drinking)
Psoriasis plaques can vary in size, from small patches of scaling that resemble dandruff to large-scale outbreaks that engulf whole regions. The kind and intensity of psoriasis determine the disease's symptoms and appearance.
Here are a few typical indications and symptoms,
Discolored spots, that vary in color, tend to be shades of purple with grayscale on brown or Black skin and pink or red with silver scales on white skin.
Elevated scale-covered plaques on the skin
Bleeding, dry, or cracked skin
Pain, burning, or itching close to the afflicted areas
Thickened or pitted toenails or fingernails
Swollen joints
Cyclic rashes that flare for a few weeks or months and then subside
Ayurvedic View
Kushta- all the three doshas namely, vata, pitta, kapha get aggravated, along with agni mandhya (low digestive fire) due to following causes like adhyashana (eating food before digestion of previous food), virudha ahara (incompatible food intake), suppression of natural urges, not undergoing purificatory therapy, excess curd intake, aquatic and heavy food intake etc. These aggravated dosha vitiates, twak (skin), rakta (blood ), mamsa (muscle tissue), ambu (lymph) and leads to pidakas (skin manifestation like boils, rashes, etc), this is psoriasis. Ayurveda way of approach is to correct agni (metabolism), bring doshas back to prakruta awastha (balance state), reduce the symptoms and heal without scar mark by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment. Prevent the complication, further aggravation and reoccurrence of this disease by guiding patients in following pathya (healthy) ahara (food) and internal medication.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Vamanam Virechanam Vasti Kashya dhara Takradhara Raktamokshanam Lepanam Shirodhara Shiroabhyangam Shiro picchu Ksheeradhara
Naturopathy Treatments
Sun bath Mud Therapy Steam bath Hip bath Enema Immersion bath Acupuncture Hijama Therapy
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.