Scoliosis is the medical term for an inclination of the spine towards either side of your body. Scoliosis like headache is a descriptive term rather than a diagnosis which can happen at any age.
The spine is composed of a series of rectangular-shaped structural components known as vertebrae. The spine is normally straight when viewed from behind. A scoliotic spine on the other hand is curved resembling an S or C shape with vertebral rotation. This curvature gives the impression that the individual is leaning to one side. Scoliosis is diagnosed when the curvature of the spine on an X-ray is 10 degrees or greater. Scoliosis-induced spinal curvature can occur either on the right left side or on both sides of the spine at various levels. Most commonly affects both the thoracic (middle) and lumbar (lower) spines.
The cause of scoliosis can be anything ranging from a simple postural adaptation to a serious neuromuscular disease. Scoliosis affects girls far more frequently than boys. It often tends to runin families. Scoliosis can be congenital which means it exists from birth. some other major contributing causes include
• Muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy
• Spinal Bifida
• Bad posture
• Very soft bed mattress
• Bulky schoolbag
Scoliosis symptoms and signs include: Deviation of the head which is un - centered over your body Uneven hips or shoulders (one shoulder is higher than the other/ one hip is higher than the other upper Back pain lower-back pain radiating down the legs Shoulder pain Weakness or tiredness in the spine after prolonged sitting or standing Breathing or sitting difficulties.
Ayurvedic View
Kati gata vata- In this disease, when aggravated vata dosha reaches to spine and causes dushti of asthi (bone and supporting structures) leading to a change in the normal curvature of the spine, this is scoliosis. Ayurveda way of approach is to correct dosha imbalance, nourish the dhatus (bone ligament, tendon, muscle) bring back the lost normal curvature of the spine, and reduce the associated complaints arising due to this disease, by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment and local treatment done to kati(spine).
Ayurvedic Treatments
Bashpa Swedanam Lepanam Kashaya dhara Pichu Kativasti Virechanam Vasti Pizhichil Navara pinda swedanam Patra pinda swedanam Pinda swedanam
Naturopathy Treatments
Spinal bath Spinal spray Immersion bath Enema Steam bath Sauna bath Mud therapy Packs Acupuncture Hijama therapy Exercise therapy Manipulative therapy Diet therapy Physiotherapy Sun bath
Treatment for
DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.