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Punarva  Natural

Healthcare Centre 

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissues are body tissues that help to surround support and connect the structures that are around them. Muscles nerves ligaments and tendons are examples of soft tissues. Damage to any of these structures which can result in pain swelling discomfort and decreased mobility is termed soft tissue injury. Injuries can result from various factors and differ in severity.


Sprains: A sprain is a tear in your ligament caused by an unanticipated jerk that twists the area. The severity of the injury determines the treatment for a sprain. Based on the Mechanism of injury a soft tissue injury can be classified as Mechanical Chemical Thermal or Miscellaneous. They can also be classified as acute and Chronic based on their severity. A typical classification of soft tissue injury includes.

Strains: A strain can be caused by overuse or by applying a strong force to a muscle or tendon. Strains are common soft tissue injuries among athletes. 

Bursitis: Bursae are small fluid-filled sacs found throughout your body. The bursae aid in the reduction of friction during a joint movement. Bursitis is an inflammatory condition of the bursae most commonly affecting the major joints like the elbow knee foot and hip. 

Tendonitis: Is inflammation of the tendons. Tendonitis is commonly caused by overuse of a body part through repetitive motions. The  Wrists elbows and knees are frequently affected joints 


• Overuse: Repeatedly overusing the same muscle group for an extended period of  time such as while painting stitching  decorating etc 

• Overloading: A sudden spike in load on a specific muscle group can cause a soft-tissue injury. Overloading typically entails exercising at a higher intensity than you are accustomed to or lifting a heavier-than-usual object or abruptly increasing your regular activity.

• A Slip or Fall 

• A sudden shift in course: Twisting turning jumping swinging and overstretching are examples of actions that can result in injury. 

• A forceful blow like hitting with something dropping a heavy object upon your body part or even Machine-induced accidents like being crushed.


• Pain 

• Inflammation 

• Swelling 

• Immobility

Ayurvedic View

Asthi vaha sroto dushti- it's a condition where there is mainly shleshaka kapha (synovial membrane, fluid) involvement along with prakupita (aggravated) vata dosha in sandhi pradesha (joint area), which results in adika shoola (severe pain), aankunchana prasarana kashta chesta (pain and restrictions while extension and flexion movements), resulting in weakness of that soft tissue, when strained can cause pain, etc. Ayurveda way of approach is to bring the dosha back to prakruta awastha (balanced state), reduce the symptoms, thereby increasing the range of movement of the affected soft tissues, and nourish the dhatus (strengthen tissue) by ayurvedic panchakarma treatment. 

Ayurvedic Treatments

Picchu  Upanaham   Pinda swedanam  Churna pinda swedanam   Nadi swedanam    Lepanam   Nadi swedanam  Pizhichal   Abhyangam

Naturopathy Treatments

Enema   Mud therapy   Packs   Compress   Acupuncture   Manipulative therapy    Clinical yoga     Physiotherapy   Electrotherapy   Exercise therapy.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Treatment for 

DISCLAIMER: Listed treatment details are only for information purposes. Treatments and duration may vary depending on numerous factors. Treatments for your condition may not be limited to this list.

Results of our Treatment

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