Bashpa Swedanam
Bashpa means steam and sweda means perspiration in which medicated steam is applied to the patient’s body for a certain period to get sweat. An immensely detoxifying steam therapy using hand-formulated herbs that are infused into your private steam chamber, allowing the body to cleanse, purify, and release toxins. This leaves you with a glowing complexion, ease of muscle tension, and a sense of well-being.
A steam-bath chamber is required to carry out the procedure Medicinal herbs /decoction are kept boiling in the Bashpa Sweda Yantra/steam chamber from where the steam is generated and applied all over the body or any specific part through a tube or pipe. The patient is asked to lie/sit inside the steam chamber, after undergoing a massage with warm oil. Patients will be asked to remain inside the yantra/steam chamber for 15-20 minutes or till they attain the optimum level of perspiration (Samyak swinna Lakshana). By the end of the procedure, you may come out of the chamber and the sweat is wiped off with a towel. Bath is advised with lukewarm water.
It is highly beneficial for those looking for a cleansing therapy. Swedana, ie, perspiration, liquefies the Doshas comprising vata, pitta, and kapha and facilitates bringing them to Koshtha. It loosens your tightened muscles and soothes your skin, muscles, and nerves. It removes stiffness, heaviness, and coldness from your body. You will feel rejuvenated entirely and freshness seeps through every pore.