
Gandusha Kriya, or Kavalam is the traditional oil-pulling practice in Ayurveda that involves swishing oil in the mouth to improve oral health and promote overall well-being. The Gandusha kriya is known for its ability to restore balance to the affected doshas by enhancing the individual's sensory and motor nerve conductivity. This practice also offers the benefit of eliminating toxins and stabilizing digestive function.
Types of Gandusha kriya
Snigdha or Snehana Gandusha: uses herbal oils to help nourish and lubricate the oral cavity.
Shamana Gandusha kriya can help manage various dental problems.
Shodhana Gandusha uses different substances to cleanse the oral cavity.
Gandusha can be performed using substances such as honey, milk, appropriate ghee, or recommended oils.
How is Gandusha Performed?
Oil pulling is best carried out in the morning. It is recommended to perform the kriya indoors on warm, wind-free days. For a more comprehensive Gandusha kriya experience, consider beginning with a gentle shoulder and neck massage to relax the area.
Choose an oil: Sesame oil or coconut oil, are common choices. Medicated oil Kashayam (Herbal decocotions) for specific conditions can be choosen as per your physicians suggestions.
Swish the oil: Take a tablespoon of oil and swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes , till the mouth gets filled with whitish phlegm or until secretions come from Nose/Eyes.
Spit out: During the Gandusha kriya, it is important to avoid swallowing the oil.After swishing, spit out the oil into the trash (avoid the sink, as it can clog drains).
Rinse : After spitting out the oil, don’t rinse your mouth immediately. Wait for nearly thirty minutes.
For optimal results and a pleasant experience, consider these guidelines:
Swish gently rather than forcefully for best results.
Avoid swallowing the oil solution.
Wait until the oil is thoroughly utilized before spitting it out. You'll know it's time when you can no longer hold it, and sometimes your eyes may start watering. This is the ideal time to spit it out.
Benefits of Gandusha
Health of sense organs : Improves gum health, reduces inflammation, and helps prevent cavities.It is also applicable in all diseases that affects eyes,ears, teeth, gums, tongue, the inner lining of the mouth, paranasal sinuses.
Muscle relaxant: Regular practice of gandusham can relieve your stiff neck and shoulder muscles and bring in deep relaxation.
Teeth strengthening: Can naturally brighten teeth over time, prevent tooth decay and relieves sensitivity of the teeth.
Detoxification: Removes toxins from the mouth, eliminates foul smell, and promotes overall oral health.
Improved digestion: Aid in digestion by stimulating saliva production and helps counteract hyperacidity.
Enhanced energy: Some people report increased energy levels after practicing Gandusha.
Anti ageing: Regular practice of the kriya helps you age gracefully by enhancing the skin quality, bringing a natural glow to your face.
1. Should I practice Gandusha daily?
Gandusha practice involves exposing teeth and gums to natural oil; therefore, you can practice it once daily. However, ensure that you don’t go overboard and do it multiple times a day.
2. Does oil pulling help in bacterial overgrowth?
Oil pulling, a Vedic practice, has been shown to aid in the natural cleansing of the mouth, maintain breath odor, and strengthen teeth. A study by the NCBI supports oil pulling, as it produces antioxidants that help regulate oral bacteria.
3. Is oil pulling safe ?
Oil pulling, also known as Gandusha, is generally considered safe. If you are uncertain about how to perform it, it's advisable to seek guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner.
4. What are the side effects of oil pulling?
While oil pulling offers various benefits, it may have some side effects according to Ayurveda. Swallowing the oil can lead to stomach discomfort and diarrhea. Additionally, initial side effects may include sore jaw, headache, and tooth sensitivity due to the swishing motion.
5. Does oil pulling really work?
Oil pulling, an ancient technique, has been shown to provide numerous benefits. In addition to promoting oral health, it can help with eye problems, paranasal sinuses, migraines, skin health, and maintaining clear voice and airways in the ears, nose, and throat.
Note: While Gandusha is generally safe, it's always a good idea to consult with our Ayurvedic doctor so that we choose the right and best formulations as per your needs and conditions.