Hip bath

Hip baths are hydrotherapy treatments in which the patient is made to sit in a tub filled with water up to the navel. The rest of the body is kept dry with the feet up on a stool. A hip bath is taken in a special tub or large basin. The use of warm or cold water is contingent upon the specific clinical state.
Benefits of Hip Baths
Warm water helps relax muscles and alleviate pain caused by illnesses such as hemorrhoids, childbirth, or pelvic infections.
Hip baths help to maintain cleanliness and avoid infections in the vaginal and anal areas.
Soaking in warm water might help relieve discomfort and irritation.
Warm water promotes healing and reduces inflammation in the damaged area.
How To Take A Hip Bath
Fill a bathtub with warm water that is comfortable to touch. For additional benefits, consider using Epsom salts or herbal additions.
Position yourself. Sit in the bathtub with your hips and buttocks submerged in water.
Relax and soak for 15-20 minutes, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
After soaking, gently pat yourself dry with a clean towel.
When to Consider a Hip Bath
Hemorrhoids: Hip baths can help soothe and relieve pain associated with hemorrhoids. Without using up essential energy, this improvement in circulation improves the body's nutrition and elimination system
Childbirth: They can help promote healing and reduce discomfort after childbirth.
Pelvic infections: A Hip bath can help alleviate pain and itching in the genital area.
General discomfort: If you're experiencing pain or itching in the pelvic area, a hip bath can provide relief. By removing constrictions from the intestines, kidneys, uterus, prostate gland, bladder, and other abdominal organs, a hip bath helps improve circulation within the abdominal cavity.