
Langhanam in a broader term means therapies that are, intended to deplete or lighten the body. In common langhanam is referred to as Fasting, which is one of the cleansing procedures adopted to remove any abnormally heavy component in the body. Fasting or langhanam is much indicated in cases that require the elimination of accumulated doshas especially the kapha or morbid matter in the form of ama caused due to indigestion, food habits, and lifestyle. langhana is therapeutically beneficial in diseases caused due to over nutrition.
Types of Langhanam
Samshyamana Langhanam: Complete fasting for a short duration.
Mandagni Langhanam: Gradual reduction in food intake for individuals with weak digestion.
Agnimandya Langhanam: Fasting for individuals with digestive disorders.
Benefits of Langhanam
Detoxification: Removes toxins and impurities from the body.
Rejuvenation: Promotes tissue repair and rejuvenation.
Weight management: Can aid in weight loss or maintenance.
Improved digestion: Rests the digestive system and can improve its function.
Enhanced mental clarity: Can improve focus and concentration.
Guidelines for Langhanam
Consultation: Always consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before attempting Langhanam, especially if you have underlying health conditions.
Duration: The duration of fasting varies depending on individual needs and medical conditions.
Preparation: Adequate preparation, including drinking plenty of fluids, is essential.
Post-fasting: Gradual reintroduction of food is crucial to avoid discomfort.
Pregnancy and lactation: Langhanam is generally not recommended during pregnancy or lactation.
Medical conditions: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, may need to avoid or modify Langhanam.
Elderly individuals: The elderly may need to approach Langhanam with caution and under medical supervision.
Note: Langhanam should be performed under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure safety and effectiveness. It's essential to listen to your body and adjust the fasting regimen as needed.