
Raktamokshana also called as blood-letting therapy is one of the five chief purificatory methods of traditional ayurvedic panchakarma treatment. Raktamokshana is a process performed to expel the vitiated blood from the body, which removes the vitiated dosha in the blood. There are two main methods adopted traditionally to let out blood from the body namely
Jalouka vacharnam / Leech therapy
In this therapeutic procedure, medicinal leeches are applied over the skin after choosing the suitable local area in the body. The blood is sucked out by the leeches.
Siravedanam is also a form of blood-letting therapy done using catheters. A needle from the syringe or a venflon is inserted into smaller blood vessels in the leg and a regulated quantity of blood is let out to relieve swelling and congestion in the legs. The procedure is chiefly employed in patients presenting with severe vericose veins.
How does Raktamokshanam work?
Assessment: An Ayurvedic practitioner assesses the patient's overall health and identifies the specific dosha (body type) that is out of balance.
Bloodletting: A small amount of blood is drawn from a specific vein, usually in the arm or leg. The blood is collected in a sterile container.
Analysis: The blood may be analyzed to determine its quality and composition.
Aftercare: The patient is advised to rest and follow specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations after Raktamokshanam.
Benefits of Raktamokshanam:
Reduces excess heat: It is believed to help cool the body and reduce inflammation.
Removes toxins: It may help eliminate impurities from the blood and tissues.
Restores balance: It can help restore balance among the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).
Alleviates certain health conditions: Raktamokshanam is sometimes used to treat conditions like skin diseases, fever, headaches, and joint pain.
Important considerations
Consultation: It is crucial to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before undergoing Raktamokshanam. They can assess your health and determine if it is suitable for you.
Safety: Raktamokshanam should be performed in a sterile environment by a trained professional.
Individual variations: The benefits and risks of Raktamokshanam may vary from person to person.