
Snehanam / Sneha karma is nothing but internal Oleation using medicated oils. It is one of the pre-procedures of panchakarma treatment. Snehana is used to lubricate the individual's body cells to mobilize the clinging doshas. Depending on its intended use, Sneha karma can be divided into two categories:
Sneha pana (Internal administration of Sneha)
Bahya Snehana (Sneha applied externally)
Either plant-based products like sesame oil, coconut oil, etc., or animal-based products like ghee and animal fat are used to make sneha dravays. The purpose of the snehana processes is,
Brahmana (nourishing )
Shamana (palliative)
Shodhana (purificatory)
The internal administration of Sneha dravyas, or Snehapana, are categorized based on their intended use.
Achcha Sneha (using only pure Sneha and not combining it with anything else)
Vicharana Sneha (Sneha combined with additional products)
Depending on how long it takes the body to digest sneha dravya, internal snehana is further classified into three categories.
Sneha that takes six hours to digest is Hruswa Matra (minimum dosage).
The medium dosage of Madhyama Matra takes twelve hours to digest.
The maximum dosage, Uttama Matra, takes twenty-four hours to digest.
How Snehapana Works
Lubrication: The medicated ghee or oil helps to lubricate the tissues and organs, promoting better functioning.
Toxins removal: By lubricating the tissues, Snehapana helps to loosen and eliminate accumulated toxins from the body.
Tissue rejuvenation: The nourishing properties of the ghee or oil can help to rejuvenate and strengthen the tissues.
Snehapana Process
Preparation: The patient must undergo a thorough examination for Agni (digestive ability), matra (quantity), vaydi (disease), and bala (strength) before to receiving snehapana. It is necessary to properly ensure dryness (rukshana) as a pre-procedure.The specific ghee or oil used will depend on the individual's constitution and the underlying health condition.
Consumption: .Uttama matra sneha (highest dose) can be administered for shodhana once it has been confirmed that the food consumed the day before has been completely digested. On the first day, the smallest amount of sneha should be administered; the dosage should then be adjusted based on the patient's digestion capacity, the ghee or oil is typically consumed over a period of days or weeks, gradually increasing the dosage.
The signs of lubrication: After consuming sneha for three days, the body would start to show signs of smoothness (snigda lakshanas). Some people may require four to six days of sneha pana, depending on their constitution.
For those with smooth bowel movements (mrudu Kostas), Samyak Snigdha Lakshanas will become apparent in three days; for those with acute constipation (krura Kosta), it will take seven days.
Follow-up: After the Snehapana therapy, a "purgative" treatment, such as Purgation or Vaman, is usually performed to eliminate the accumulated toxins.
Benefits of Snehapana
Improved digestion: Can help to alleviate digestive issues like constipation, indigestion, and bloating.
Skin health: Can promote healthy and glowing skin.
Joint health: Can help to alleviate joint pain and stiffness.
Mental clarity: Can improve mental clarity and focus.
Overall well-being: Can contribute to a sense of overall well-being and balance.
One who is recommended to receive Panchakarma treatment or a purifying procedure (shamshodhya)
One who routinely drinks alcohol and engages in more sex and exercise.(Vayamasakta Madyastrivay).
Someone who overthinks (Chinta).
Elderly people (buddha).
Kids (Baala).
A feeble person (Krusha).
A person who is disabled (Abala).
Whose body feels dry (ruksha).
A person with less blood (Ksheenaasra).
Ksheenaretas, a person with less semen.
Who is afflicted with Vata-related illnesses?
People with eye issues (Timira).
Those who become alert quickly (Pratibhodina), etc.
It's important to note that Snehapana should be performed under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. They can assess your individual needs, prescribe the appropriate medicated ghee or oil, and monitor your progress throughout the therapy.