Spinal Spray

The unique Spinal Spray method gently massages the spinal cord and surrounding tissues while sparingly misting them with water columns. This method significantly improves overall well-being by dispersing negative impulses related to accumulated stress at the skull and hairline.
Here's how spinal spray is performed
The patient lies with their spine above a perforated tube in a specially made tub.
The Tub is filled with water that is at the right temperature.
After turning on the motor, water is continuously sprayed onto the spine.
Depending on the patient's needs, the operation may take up to 20 minutes.
Spinal spray is used to
It Reduce stress and gives a calming feeling
Brings down pain and inflammation in the spine in cervical and lumbar conditions.
Improves the flexibility of the spine by reducing stiffness.
Works well for treating a number of illnesses, including chronic headaches and asthma,
It is especially helpful for disorders of the nervous system, such as paralysis, Parkinson's disease, and facial palsy.
It easily brings down high blood pressure.
Helps reduce Anxiety, Depression and sleeplessnes
Temperature : The temperature of the water must be duly checked with a waer thermometer before employing the treatement.
Pressure : Pressure may vary from person to person based on the tolerance . Exces pressure can sometime result in superficial sking injury. If combined with high temperatures it may result in burns.
Drinking Water : It is always advised to consume sufficient water if the treatment is to be carried out at higher temperatures.
Note: A spinal spray is a therapeutic treatment and hence it is advisable to consult your naturopathic physician who can indicate it for you